次回の「Eureka Book Show」は、6月14日(日)から6月21日(日)の8日間となります。
※Book Showでは、クレジットカードがご利用頂けません。何卒ご了承下さいませ。
『Eureka Book Show』
6月14日(日) - 6月21日(日) Open 13:00 - Close 20:00
※ 最終日のみ、12:00 - 19:00
場所: 京都市下京区麩屋町通五条上る下鱗形町535
Dear All,
Next our "book show" will be 8 days from 14th - 21st June.
We stated to receive new books ( Contemporary art, Design, Photography ) from this week. And we will up date new special issues "Design" and "Drawings" on our website soon, so we also will expect to show you these books from them at Book show in June.
If you have good opportunity in this area, Please stop by our show.
We looking foward to you visiting our show .
Thank you,
Artbook Eureka
※ We do not accept credit cards. sorry.
※ If you (especially an research institution, an educational institution, Art fair etc.. )
looking for any contemporary art books in Japan, please let me know.
『Eureka Book Show』
14th - 21st June, 2015 Open 13:00 - Close 20:00
※ Final day 12:00 - 19:00
Address: 535 Shimourikogata-cho Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Japan
Web site: http://www.artbook-eureka.com/
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