Blogやポスターには、『Artbook Eureka Book Show』と記載して参ります。
『Artbook Eureka Book Show』
『Artbook Eureka Book Show』
3月16日(日) - 3月23日(日)
Open 13:00 - Close 20:00
(※ Last Day 12:00 - 19:00)
Address: 京都市下京区麩屋町通五条上る下鱗形町535
Web site: http://www.artbook-eureka.com/
Dear All,
Artbook Eureka will pass it's 2nd anniversary next month.
We called our limited open in Kyo-machiya ' Eureka real store' until this month.
However, we would like to change it which we call. We just call 'Eureka Show".
It will be for LOVE ARTS PEOPLE. Also we'll write dawn 'Eureka Show' on our
blog and poster.
Please accept my deepest gratitude for your warm message and help
and interest, coming to Eureka.
We try to find funny and nice art works of the world!
would like to ask for your continued cooperation in the future.
Thank you,
『Artbook Eureka Show』
16th (Sun) - 23rd (Sun) March, 2014
Open 13:00 - Close 20:00
(※ Last Day 12:00 - 19:00)
Address: 535 Shimourikogata-cho Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Japan
Web site: http://www.artbook-eureka.com/
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